crom tidwell merchandising
Making the next generation of software for full service tour merchandising & e-commerce.
Project tech
React | Ruby on Rails

The Challenge
The client outgrew the capabilities of their legacy inventory and sales reporting system.
The Solution
Twin Sun evaluated their existing use cases to build a web application to better serve the client’s evolving needs.
The Results
The client has a modern application that preserved legacy functionality and enabled new capabilities.

Live Event Merchandising and E-Commerce
Crom Tidwell Merchandising (CTM) is a Nashville-based full service tour merchandise company. They assist music artists with merchandise sales both online and at live events.
The CTM team has managed sales tracking and reporting with a Microsoft Access database for the past decade. While the Access-based system has worked well, it did have its limitations. Users had to coordinate data entry, syncing the Access database between laptops. The Access database was built by someone who was no longer available to make updates to the system.
An Extensible, Reliable, and Evolving Web Application
Crom Tidwell Merchandising is happy with their new system and its improved capabilities. Twin Sun continues to support the production web app and extend its functionality to support CTM’s sales and management teams.